Group 11




Created by pediatric dietitians, The Baby Led Feeding Program is the most comprehensive online program for parents who want a step-by-step plan for gradually and safely feeding their 6-12 month old baby. By the end of this course, you’ll know exactly what to feed your baby, how to safely serve it, and when to move into the next stage.

First, take a deep breath.

Whether you've already started dabbling with solids, you feel "Stuck" on purees, or you're terrified of starting finger foods because of gagging and choking, things don't have to be complicated.

You’re doing an amazing job — the mere fact that you’re here researching how to best feed your baby (probably at 2 a.m with spit up stains on your PJs) proves it. 

We know there’s a lot of pressure out there to skip purées and spoon feeding altogether. As fellow parents, we feel it too.

But as registered dietitians, speech language pathologists and research-obsessed feeding experts, we’re here to tell you that the traditional straight-to-a-chicken-drumstick style of baby-led weaning isn’t the only “right way” to start solids and prevent picky eating. 

baby led feeding online course

What is Baby Led Feeding?

(Think of it as the best of both worlds between purees and baby-led weaning!)

Baby Led Feeding is our signature method of starting solids that takes the heart of the latest feeding research and removes all the mom guilt.

It involves responsively feeding your baby based on their cues, skills and sense of independence – whether you start with purees or finger foods.

Because how they start really doesn’t matter. 

This is about how they move through the journey of solids. We teach you how to instill positive experiences with food, create opportunities to build self-feeding skills, and gently challenge them to learn how to eat food of all textures and flavours (all while honoring your baby’s needs).

You can forget the all-or-nothing approaches. 

It’s an evidence-based approach to starting solids that truly baby-led

We'll help you get there using the Texture Timleine™.

To help you with all of this, we’ve developed the Texture Timeline™, a first-of-it’s-kind tool that’s exclusive to My Little Eater. The methodology behind it is meant to build your confidence, by teaching baby how to eat (and you, how to feed) with both purees and finger foods in stages.

You start where you and baby are ready, and make sure that you keep taking the next step to progress to more advanced textures and skills in a timely manner. This way, you never get stuck in one place too long, to truly avoid picky eating down the road.

Because let’s be real…by around 9-10 months of age, the way babies are fed should actually look the same, no matter which method you start with. From there, babies will continue to hone in on their skills so that by 1 year, you’ll have a happy self-feeding and adventurous eater. We promise.

And if you just felt that twinge of mom guilt because your 9 or 10-month-old is still eating mostly purees….Let It Go like Elsa. It’s never (ever) too late to start this process, and I would love to guide you through it.

before I share details about this program, let’s talk about who this is



Baby Led Feeding is for parents and caregivers like you who want to do this feeding thing right, because you know it sets up the foundation for your baby’s health and relationship with food for years to come.

You’ve probably heard a million different opinions (MIL and Dr. included), you’re scared of doing the wrong thing and the thought of your baby gagging or choking freaks you out. And yet, it’s so darn confusing and even scary venturing into uncharted territory.

Whether you’re…

You’re in the right place.

Baby Led Feeding will give you the tools, research, strategies, recipes, detailed instructional videos, and unparalleled support on your journey to making mealtime more joyful and less stressful. 

Before you know it, your friends, family, and even strangers at the table next to you will start commenting on what “good little eaters” you have.

And I’ll prove it! (Keep scrolling, friend.)

By the end of this program, you will have...

  • A step-by-step plan for how to feed your baby in a way that fosters a love for ALL FOOD,  with zero pressure to rush into finger foods right away.
  • Less anxiety and fear of gagging and choking, because you’ll understand the science behind both PLUS you’ll know how to safely serve foods at all times
  • A Netflix-style portal of videos, so you know exactly how to cut, cook and serve all foods at every phase of The Texture Timeline™ (and you get lifetime access to this) 
  • Clear instruction on what foods to introduce, in the right order, with evidence based recommendations for introducing common allergens. 
  • Balanced recipes that are delicious, safe and nutritionally complete – that the whole family can enjoy!

Plus your baby will have...

  • Exposure to a variety of textures and flavours, no matter what method you start with, so you can reduce their risk of being a picky eater down the road.

  • A new level of independence and the skills to feed themselves (with their hand or a utensil). Before you know it, they’ll be eating all the same foods as you!

Above all else, Baby Led Feeding will give you the confidence and knowledge you need to relax and enjoy this whole amazing and fun process…
because let’s be honest, you will never get this time back.

What's inside


We designed this online video-based program with crazy-busy parents like you in mind. Access the videos, guides, and other resources from your phone, desktop, or tablet while you’re feeding your baby, rocking them to sleep, driving, cleaning baby bottles, or hiding in your closet to get a few moments of alone time (hey, we’ve all done it). 

baby led feeding online course

Video lessons you can watch anywhere
(+ access via a free app!)

35 video lessons on everything to know about feeding your baby. Step-by-step videos to teach you everything from how to prepare for solids journey & how to set up mealtimes, to what to serve and how to feed as the months go on. It’s complete with videos of babies eating, lessons on nutrition, gagging/choking, feeding schedules and more (And you get lifetime access to it all)

The Texture Timeline Food Library

The Texture Timeline™  Food Library


The only video library of it’s kind where you can search and access tons of over-the-shoulder videos on how to cut and serve  foods according to the phases of our Texture Timeline™. Built by our speech language pathologist and dietitians, this doesn’t just show you how to serve things “baby led weaning style” by age (pincer or palmar grasp), but instead, shows you how to progressively go from easier to more and more difficult modifications, both as a puree and as a finger food.

60 Day Baby Led Feeding Meal Plan

9 weeks of recipes walking you through each day of starting solids, that ensure you are expanding your baby’s palate to prime them to become adventurous eaters…without overcomplicating things! Recipes strategically progress in texture difficulty over the days, introduce allergens weekly and expose your baby to over 115 foods in 60 days! Complete with weekly grocery lists, videos showing how to make the recipes, and a printable 115 first foods checklist to hang on your fridge and tick off foods as you go!

Dietitian-led online support group

You’ll get access to our private community of dietitians and fellow parents, where you can ask as many questions as you like, get tips & strategies from other parents, share your successes, work through struggles and more! We are the only baby feeding program that offers this ongoing support, and knowing you have dietitians to help you navigate the entire journey is priceless.

Choose your plan


Baby Led Feeding

$ 104.99
  • Step-by-step, expert led video course outlining how to feed your baby like an expert from 6-12 months
  • 27 printable resources including checklists, schedules, trackers, cheatsheets and more!
  • Full access to the Texture Timeline Food Library - search a food and see exactly how to serve it based on easier ---> more advanced texture phases
  • 60 Day Baby Led Feeding Meal Plan
  • Client support group managed by pediatric dietitians to ask questions and connect with other parents
  • Free app to access content anywhere
  • Lifetime access (use for second child!)
  • (Regular price of the Meal Plan alone is $50) Regular price of the Meal Plan alone is $50

Baby Beginnings Bundle (with Infant CPR course)

$ 164.99
  • All the features of the Baby Led Feeding Program
  • Safe Beginnings Infant CPR & Choking Prevention Course

Lifetime access to the Safe Beginnings infant CPR course – the most trusted online CPR class! It’s highly recommended that every parent starting solids be trained in infant CPR, to manage emergencies for infants and children, and the know-how to prevent many of them from occurring in the first place.

Regular price of the infant CPR course is $85. 
Save $25 with this bundle!

what you’ll learn

Here we go! 5 video-based modules that take you step-by-step through evidence-based recommendations and ideas for every stage of starting solids, from 6-12 months, leaving you feeling excited to begin the feeding fun!

module one

Feeding Fundamentals

In this module, you’ll learn:

  • What Baby Led Feeding is and why you’re able to choose to begin feeding using purees, baby led weaning, or a mixture, while following this approach. 

  • The pros and cons of Baby led weaning and traditional puree feeding, and how to take what you learn and apply it in a way that works for you and your baby

  • An in depth lesson on the The Texture Timeline™, with specific details around each phase, how long it lasts, the foods to offer within each phase, the signs to know your baby is ready to move on in textures and important information on oral motor skill development.
The texture timeline

Module two

Getting Ready!

In this module, you’ll learn:

  • The developmental signs of readiness and how to identify them. 
  • Facts and myths around when and why to start solids
  • Specific ways that you can prep your baby for introducing solids
  • Plus, get a list of dietitian- (and mom!) recommended favourite feeding gear & supplies, so you can be prepared and ready to hit the ground running once your baby is ready to start solids! 


Module three

Let the fun begin!

(6-7 months)

In this module, you’ll learn:

  • 4 things to do to set up the perfect, stress-free meal time environment
  • How to serve food and drinks (and how much to feed them)
  • How to puree feed your baby (the BLF way!) 
  • How to choose the right size, shape and texture of finger foods.
  • How to modify family meals to suit your baby’s skills and nutrition needs.
  • What to avoid feeding your baby & choking hazards
  • Gagging instructional videos
  • Introducing allergenic foods protocols
  • Lessons on how to serve all meat, vegetables, fruit, dairy and grains – complete with videos of finger food preparation and babies eating so you can see how it’s done
baby led feeding online course

Module four

Expanding on Eating Skills 

(8-12 months)

In this module, you’ll learn:

  • What to expect next and how to modify foods to keep them challenged and progressing.
  • When and how to introduce utensils and straws
  • Meal and milk schedules as the months go on
  • How to shape your baby’s taste buds (and flavour combinations to try!)
  • Plus find a whole video library of babies eating different foods at this age so you can see it in action for yourself!

Module five

Nutrition for your Baby

In this module, you’ll learn:

  • The importance of high iron foods, the different types of iron  and how to boost iron absorption (with meal ideas)
  • The right types of healthy fat for your baby’s brain development (with food ideas)
  • Which supplements are most necessary for your baby between 6-12 months (plus my personal brand recommendations)
balanced baby plate

plus get our...


to know exactly what to!

You won’t have to guess what order to serve foods or what is best to start with.

We’re giving you 9 weeks of recipes that ensure you are expanding your baby’s palate to prime them to become adventurous eaters…without overcomplicating things!

Move past the sweet potato, banana and avocado on repeat…

…and let’s make sure we avoid picky eating by priming your baby’s taste buds with variety, plus prevent nutritional issues by targeting key nutrients and foods to introduce early.

Perfectly balanced meals created by dietitians, with strategic allergen & texture progression

Every recipe is labelled for it’s texture phase and nutritional strength, focusing on balancing meals with a high iron source, high calorie (fat/starch) and produce. You’ll also get additional tips to boost nutrition (+ storage tips, allergen introduction information, and how to serve the food whether puree feeding or wanting to offer finger foods).

Weekly grocery lists, skill development expectations and more!

Every week is marked by a “Week at a glance” preview of what meals are to come, what skills to expect and what strategies to focus on for the week. You’ll also get your weekly grocery lists and a running tally of how many foods will be introduced that week, along with which allergens they will be exposed to (or are repeating exposure to). 

115 First Foods List to track foods types and # of exposures!

Since we’re focused on variety of food flavors, textures and types, you get to introduce over 115 new foods within 9 weeks – with no extra thought required from you! Use the critical period of 6-9 months to expand your baby’s palate and prevent picky eating. Best part? We’ve got a 115 first foods checklist to cross off foods as you go, track exposure numbers & see what you have left to introduce. Hang it on your fridge and check away!

frequently asked questions

Ideally you would start this program somewhere between your baby turning 4-5 months of age, as most babies are ready to start solids somewhere around 6 months old. However, if your baby is 7, 8, 9, 10 or even 12 months old and hasn’t begun on a wide variety of finger foods and you’re not sure how to serve them safely, this course is exactly what you need. If your child is 10+ months old and you’re comfortable with serving all types of finger foods, but they aren’t eating well and/or are picky, you’ll want to enroll in my Feeding Toddlers online course.

I’m a registered pediatric dietitian and feeding expert who has been practicing in the field for over 14 years. I graduated from a 4 year science degree at Dalhousie University with a major in Neuroscience, and then went on to complete 5 years of Applied Nutrition and Dietetics including a one year internship from Mount Saint Vincent University. 

I’ve counselled hundreds of families in person and thousands of families virtually  and have taught baby led feeding as live 3 hour workshops for over a year before deciding to convert it to an online course.  Not to mention…I’m a mom of two and I’ve gone through this all myself. So I get what you’re feeling and what you need mama 🙂

I’ve consulted and partnered with various other feeding experts who are featured in the course or who have helped create the material to ensure the course covers feeding solids from ALL angles of development. Speech language pathologists, Occupational Therapists, certified CPR instructors, pediatric allergists as well as psychologists. To say this course is the ultimate source of expert information all in one place is an understatement. It truly is a reflection of all the latest evidence based practices and leaves no stone unturned. 

A lifetime!! Watch and rewatch and use for your second or third child.

Also know that I’ve taken every major question and piece of feedback from thousands of parents over the years for how they like to learn, and continually add into the program to keep it the best on the market!  And as part of my official MLE fam, you ALWAYS get access to the updates forever 🙂

This entire program is offered for the price of less than ONE private session with a dietitian. The amount of info and the level of care put into this course equates over $1000 worth of counselling and resources. Because my goal is to get this into the hands of as many parents who need my help as possible, I’m making this as affordable as I can for everyone.

For the Baby Led Feeding program, a 48-hour grace period will be provided immediately following your purchase. During this time, you may request a refund provided that you have not accessed the course. Accessing the course includes even partial completion of any of the lessons. Refunds will not be granted if you have watched part of any video or downloaded a resource, even if you’ve only had the product for less than 48 hours. 

After the 48-hour grace period, the Baby Led Feeding program is non-refundable, regardless of whether it has been accessed or not.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact [email protected] prior to purchasing and we’d be happy to help.

The full refund policy for all of our products and services can be viewed on the terms and conditions page.

The meal plan is a mix of sheet pan meals, stove top meals, no-cook meals and slow cooker meals. A few recipes require the use of a blender/food processor. 

You don’t have to – no! Every meal is safe to offer to your baby from day 1 and you can pick and choose based on what you feel like. BUT the beauty of the meal plan lies in the fact that certain allergens (and recipes) are presented on certain days, so that you follow the protocol for introducing allergens two days in a row, and so that you don’t mistakenly choose a recipe that contains an allergenic food that you haven’t introduced strategically yet.

The meal plan is not based on a vegetarian or vegan diet – however there are many vegetarian and vegan recipes included that you can choose from. We do make suggestions for substitutions as to how you can make it meat or dairy free!

Absolutley not! The beginning of the meal plan starts with mashed/pureed options (alongside a finger food version)…and as the weeks go on, texture of finger foods or purees get progressively more advanced, but you’ll always have a “puree” or spoon fed option as well as a finger food option.  

Don’t let stress and overwhelm get the best of this exciting time!

From introducing the very first finger foods, to learning how to incorporate diverse flavours and textures safely, you’ll know exactly what, when and how to do it to ensure a stress-free, fun eating experience that will give your baby a lifetime of healthy eating habits!

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