#19: Baby Led Weaning Myths You Can Ignore!

baby led weaning tips you can ignore

In this episode of the My Little Eater Podcast, I’ll be busting a few of the most common myths about baby led weaning. I’m sure you’ve heard these before… traditional puree feeding is safer… wait, nevermind, finger foods are safe for all babies… or even, babies need teeth to have actual solid foods. Nope, nope, and nope! 

Deciding whether to go the traditional feeding route with purees, or to go the baby led weaning route, is a difficult task. You might even decide that a mixed approach is the best fit for your family – yes, this IS an option! Either way, let me help you make this decision by providing you with the facts. It can be information overload out there in Google-land, so listen in to hear the truths behind baby led weaning, before you decide which option is best for you and your baby. Then, I’ll be here to support you – no matter what method you choose!

As always, if you get value from this podcast, please subscribe, rate, and review it at Apple Podcasts. And, let me know on Instagram – which one of these myths shocked you? Tag me in a screenshot of the podcast while you listen, and I’ll share you to my stories! (@mylittleeater)

Additional Resources:

Once you’ve decided on which method is the best for you and your baby – let me guide you throughout your journey! Whether you’ve chosen puree feeding, BLW, or a mixed approach, my Baby Led Feeding online course is for YOU! I’m all about following your baby’s cues – regardless of what you’re feeding – so that you can raise a happy, independent little eater! Enroll now and let the fun begin! (https://mylittleeater.com/baby-led-feeding/)

Skip To…

Welcome back! (0:47)

Myth #1 (1:55)

Myth #2 (6:40)

Myth #3 (9:58)

Myth #4 (12:58)

Myth #5 (16:55)


meet edwena

Registered pediatric dietitian, mom of two picky-turned-adventurous eater, and the creator of the Texture Timeline™ – an exclusive tool to help move your baby through easy to more advanced purees and finger foods to prevent picky eating.

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JOIN THE Free Workshop

Baby Led Weaning
(But Make It Purees!)

Get our proven, step-by-step plan for transitioning your baby from Purees to Finger Foods, texture by texture, so you can ease your fears about choking and gagging, all while helping your little eater develop their eating skills and an adventurous appetite.

Plus get The Texture Timeline™ Starter Guide for free when you stay until the end of the workshop. This tool breaks down the 4 phases, what kinds of foods to safely feed your baby during each phase, and when to progress to the next phase.

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scared to transition to finger foods?

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