Online Courses

  • Online Courses

    Baby Beginnings Bundle (Baby Led Feeding Course + Safe Beginnings Infant CPR Course)

    It’s highly recommended that every parent starting solids be trained in infant CPR, to manage emergencies for infants and children, and the know-how to prevent many of them from occurring in the first place.

    The Safe Beginnings course (now available through this heavily discounted solids + CPR course bundle)  is a led by Holly Choi – a leader in childhood injury prevention education in North America! She is a nationally-certified first aid instructor, and a nationally certified Child Passenger Safety Technician-Instructor and has extensive experience and knowledge in baby and toddler safety (first aid, car seat safety, childproofing, and injury prevention). In addition, she is a mom of 2, gives her a well-rounded and unique perspective.

    The in-depth online video course from Safe Beginnings is a convenient option for busy parents and covers topics like:

    • How to recognize an emergency and when to phone 9-1-1
    • How to manage an unresponsive baby, child or adult
    • How to perform CPR on a baby, child or adult
    • How to help a choking baby, child or adult
    • Bonus! Discussion on preventing injuries for babies and toddlers
    • Bonus! 27-page Baby + Toddler First Aid Basics eBook is included

    PLUS – all the amazing content for everything you need to know about how serve solids to babies from 6-12 months inside the Baby Led Feeding course!


    $179.00 Read more
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